Live Video

LimitOS can be used to view a live video feed from the Raspberry Pi Camera Module.


Follow the live video tutorial to learn how to stream video from your Raspberry Pi.

Operating system versions

The necessary video libraries are pre-installed on all versions of Raspberry Pi OS (Buster) .

If you're using Raspian Jesse, the necessary libraries are not pre-installed, so you'll have to manually install ffmpeg.

Setting up the camera

The camera must be enabled first using the command:
sudo raspi-config

Visit the official documentation for more info.

Embedding the video

To embed the video in an external webpage:
  1. Edit the device and make sure you have the "Allow public video?" option checked
  2. Start viewing the video, and you'll see an option to "Get Embed Code"
  3. Click that button, then copy/paste the HTML code into an external webpage