What you'll be building

In this tutorial you'll learn how to set up a live video feed from your Raspberry Pi that can be viewed across the internet on your desktop, tablet, or mobile phone.


Step 1: Enable the camera

The camera must be enabled first using the command:
sudo raspi-config

Visit the official documentation for more info.

Step 2: Run LimitOS on the Raspberry Pi

LimitOS runs on top of Raspberry Pi OS (Buster), and can be run via:
curl -sS https://limitos.com/run | bash

Follow the on-screen instructions to register the device afterwards.

Step 3: Enable LimitOS video

Edit your device by selecting "My Devices" above, clicking on the device, and then clicking "Edit Device".
Make sure to check the "Enable live video" checkbox.
If your video appears upside down, you can also come back here later to invert the video.

Step 4: View your live video feed

Navigate back to your device, and click the "Start Video" button. Your live video feed should now appear!